הזדמנות עסקית | קפריסין | 145906 | יצוא לישראל | כימיה, רפואה ופרמצבטיקה | 27/11/2023

EEN Offer - pre-diagnostic processing device for laboratories

Short summary
A Cyprus based biomedical engineering company has developed a robotic system that can automate many laboratory procedures. The company is looking for potential distributors overseas.

Full description
The Cypriot company was established in 2018, by highly skilled and passionate experts. The company is focusing on developing high quality technological solutions intended for the global healthcare market.

In 2020, the company received a Certificate of Innovative SME by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.

Since its establishment, the company managed to acquire multiples competitive funding grants through Research and Innovation Foundation of Cyprus and the Cypriot Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Young Entrepreneurship Award) in total value of 780.000 euros.

The company aspires to generate a series of robotic products for life-science researcher and diagnostic analysis.
They developed a state-of-the-art prototype automation platform an adjustable robotic system that can automate many laboratory procedures which constitutes the bottleneck in a researcher’s everyday workflow, reduce the rate of errors and increase overall productivity.

This laboratory equipment is a pre-diagnostic processing tool that can facilitate the everyday lab procedures and expedite the workflow. It can also automate microbiological laboratory procedures, genetic and molecular tests for detecting, identifying/categorizing, and quantifying multiple different microbes and pathogens (species-agnostic approach).

On the contrary to other robotic systems that exist in the market which focus on repeating the same procedure for multiple samples, this platform was built in to perform multiple procedures for few samples. Based on its versatility in the procedures performed it is the only one that can be used for everyday procedures which are the source of human handling inconsistencies. By eliminating human handling inconsistencies, the company aspires to solve the reproducibility crisis which is the term that describes that 70% of published data is non-reproducible and therefore non-trustworthy which leads to 28 Billion USD loss each year!

Advantages and innovation:
This certain product aims to infiltrate all life-science laboratories based on innovative features:
• Versatility: for automation of multiple laboratory application protocols
• Compact size: fits in a crowded lab
• Attractive Price: competitive price
• Flexible Configuration
• User Friendly – initiate a process by the push of a button

It Consists of:
• Liquid Handler x2
• Magnetic module
• Temperature module
• Bioshake 3000-T ELM
• Robotic Thermocycler
• Industrial robotic arm
• Electrical automation
• HEPA filters
• UV-C Lights
Partner sought:
The company is looking for agents and distributors that have an established network with biomedical and life-science research laboratories and expertise in selling or leasing equipment and consumables.

פרטים על ההזדמנות

  • Country:
  • Number:
  • Activity:
    Export to Israel
  • Branch:
    Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
  • Published:
Member of trade organization, association or chamber of commerce :
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